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Techno-economic analysis, Southern Adriatic site

Deliverable summary
Deliverable 7.3
Valentina Volpi
The South Adriatic site consists of a structural trap in a carbonate saline aquifer, close to the main Italian CO2 emitter the Federico II power plant in Brindisi, where the energy company Enel has developed a pilot plant for CO2 capture.. It is one of the biggest power plants in Italy and it’s characterized by a very high CO2 emission value (more than 15 Mt/year in 2004) . The aquifer object of the study is only a few tens of km far from the thermoelectric power plant, so it is the nearest among the potential storage sites in Italy. Currently, there are no plans for CO2 storage in the area around the Brindisi plant, however, - a techno-economical analysis has been conducted simulating an hypothetical injection scenario. The economical analysis presented here is not complete because the dynamic simulations are still on going and so some specific information related to their results is not included. In the future, the economic aspect may be improved including the costs relating to activities that can be assessed only based on a more precise idea about the behaviour of injected CO2 at the specific site.