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D2.3 “Dry run” site licence applications

Deliverable summary
D2.3 Deliverable summary
Jonathan Pearce
 The SiteChar project has undertaken site characterisation activities at five sites that may provide credible options for future CO2 storage. Two sites, the Outer Moray Firth site in the UK northern North Sea and the Vedsted aquifer site in onshore Denmark, were selected for detailed site characterisation to enable development of dry-run storage permit applications. The dry-run permits included most of the key components that are required by the European regulations, including evidence for permanent and safe storage, estimates of storage capacity, site-specific risk-assessments, elements of the field development, and monitoring and corrective measures plans.  By developing dry-run permit applications, and undertaking independent reviews of these applications, the best approaches to site characterisation were identified to enable robust and defensible permit applications to be developed by future storage operators. The dry-run process also allowed testing and refinement of the SiteChar workflow for site characterisation.